<为m action="/academicprograms/undergraduate/minors/missiology" enctype="multipart/为m-data" id="Form" method="post">





通过声明未成年人, you’ll have the opportunity to pursue interests that might lie outside of your major. Gaining extra knowledge in an area that interests you can also help you in your future career! Not only will your skills and knowledge be more well-rounded, but you’ll also prove to future employers that you’re willing to work hard and exceed their expectations.


  • 福小
  • 22个单位
  • ANT 210:文化人类学
  • 3

Understanding diverse cultures of the world, from preliterate societies to modern technological societies, 这门课的重点是什么, and will include mankind's universal as well as adaptive dimensions; and the examination of socio经济, 政治, 宗教, and physical environmental factors that relate to the values and lifestyles of various 国人民.

  • ANT 435:社会中的宗教
  • 3

This course will present a comparative examination of religion as an aspect of human culture and will include substantive and functional approaches to 宗教 behavior, 宗教作为一种象征体系, 仪式行为, 魔法, 宗教运动, 还有超自然现象. 先决条件: 蚂蚁210 或者导师的许可. 提供隔年.

  • rel321:世界宗教
  • 3

This survey course of the world's major non-Christian religions will include motifs, 信仰模式, 仪式和崇拜, 道德, 社会模式, 起源与发展, 还有圣典.

  • THL 222: Christian Witness and Evangelism
  • 1

This course will introduce students to the theology and practice of Christian evangelism through the development of the skills needed to share the Gospel with others.

  • THL 430:基督教护教学
  • 3

The relationship of the Christian faith to the major philosophies and ideologies that conflict with Christianity will be evaluated from the 2nd century to the present in this course. 先决条件: Junior or senior standing or consent of instructor.

  • THL 481: The Mission of Christ's Church
  • 3

This course will provide an overview of the theology and practice of Christian missions including the historical development, 传教的方法, 传福音的程序, 范式转变, to develop the skills needed to share the Gospel to others.

  • HST 338:现代欧洲历史
  • 3

This course integrates various 政治, 社会, 经济, and cultural phases of Europe's history from the 18th century to the present, 包括法国大革命, 工业化, 帝国主义, 意大利和德国的统一, 共产主义, fascism; the two world wars, 和冷战. It will also trace the major scientific, literary, and artistic developments through this era.


  • 371:伊斯兰文明
  • 3

This introductory course into the lands, 国人民, and cultures of the Middle East from antiquity to modern times, will include the role of religion in shaping 社会 and 政治 institutions, and the influence of Islamic thought on the Arab world and conflicts in the contemporary Middle East. 提供隔年.

  • 从下列课程中任选一门
  • 跨文化交际
  • 3

Social and cultural variables in speech communication processes and strategies 为 resolving communication problems in intercultural settings with an emphasis on variables such as perception, 角色, 语言代码, and nonverbal communication will be examined in this course.

  • MUS 451: Music Cultures of the World I
  • 3

This course will introduce students to the study of music as a universal cultural phenomenon and the discipline of ethnomusicology with exposure to the musical and 社会 aspects of folk, 传统的, 以及拉丁美洲的艺术音乐, 非洲, 印度, 北美, 东南亚, 当代大众传媒. 先决条件: 102亩 or 111亩 or 112亩 or 201亩 or equivalent knowledge and experience in music strongly encouraged. 提供隔年.

  • MUS 452: Music Cultures of the World II
  • 3

This course will introduce students to the study of music as a universal cultural phenomenon and the discipline of ethnomusicology with exposure to the musical and 社会 aspects of folk, 传统的, and art music of regions from Eastern Europe to Asia including the Middle East, 大洋洲, 中国, 日本, 和韩国, 以及墨西哥和加勒比海地区. 先决条件: 102亩 or 111亩 or 112亩 or 201亩, or equivalent knowledge; experience in music encouraged. 提供隔年.

  • PHI 433:宗教哲学
  • 3

This introductory course to the issues of the philosophy of religion including epistemological method, the classical proofs 为 God's existence, 决定论, 自由意志, 宗教体验, 信仰与理性, 还有邪恶的问题. Prerequisites: (CTHL 101 or CTHL 200) and (CPHI 101 or CPHI 200) or consent of instructor.

  • SOC 316: Ethnic and Minority Relations
  • 3

This course will analyze ethnicity in contemporary urban society including the relationship between sub-cultural communities and the larger society; examining the factors and processes in the 为mation of minority groups; and looking at strategies 为 changing dominant-minority patterns.

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses 为 this minor and may not be the requirements 为 the catalog year you are following to complete your minor. 请参阅 学术目录 为 official requirements you must meet to qualify.


音乐,敬拜 & 神学


